Hybrid self consumption model
As it is not always practical (or even possible) to feed power back into the grid in South Africa, ExSolar has developed an efficient method of utilising all available solar.
In the bellow diagram, we use our Smart Energy Meter to monitor the utility input power as well as to control a Fronius grid tie inverter and Victron Energy MultiPlus II or Quattro bi-directional inverter:
In the bellow diagram, we use our Smart Energy Meter to monitor the utility input power as well as to control a Fronius grid tie inverter and Victron Energy MultiPlus II or Quattro bi-directional inverter:
This provides the following benefits
- Utility power is monitored to ensure zero feedback to the grid.
- Excess power is diverted to batteries or our geyser boost
- Non essential loads benefit from excess power because they feed of the supply before the utility connection point.
- Essential loads are backed up.
- The essential loads and storage is scalable and can be designed in accordance with your budget.
- If utility power fails, solar energy is still available to charge batteries and run loads as the grid tie will synchronise with the Victron output which is now in island mode. Non essential loads will be off under these conditions
- Essential loads can be disconnected front the grid at a given time to discharge a set capacity out of the batteries. This value can be set by the user the match the life expectancy of their batteries.
- Charging of the batteries will only commence once excess solar is once again available.
- This results in a smooth charge/discharge cycle on the batteries within a set SOC value and in a set period.
Daily AC power profile
Daily DC power profile